
If you have issues, or baggage, you may be offended by what you read here. I work through my self loathing of my own fat, and my own fat issues, and I’m told this comes across as loathing all fat people. That is simply not the case.

Here I talk about my issues and my findings, without political correctness. I am not concerned with your issues, or your baggage, or what you may take from this. The title is "My Journey".

This blog is not meant to inspire anyone. I take no responsibility for what you take away from here. You are here as a guest into my inner thoughts.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day to All

To the Fathers: Thank you for giving of your essence to create a wonderful gift in our children. Thank you .

To the Step Fathers: Thank you for being there, despite not having to. Thank you for your understanding despite the frustration that comes when a child is not biologically yours. Thank you for sticking around, where many wouldn't. Thank you for stepping in, and loving. Thank you for stepping back, and loving. Thank you.

To the Absentee Fathers: Thank you for giving the gift of taking your poisonous self elsewhere and not damaging your children any more than you have. Thank you for doing the right thing, and knowing that your influence would harm them more than your abandonment. Thank you.

To the Disowned Fathers: Thank you for respecting your child's wishes, even if you don't understand. Thank you for allowing your child the freedom to live their own lives. Thank you.

To the Moms of kids with no dads: Thank you for doing your best to fulfill both roles in your children's lives. Thank you.

I miss so many people today. My father whom will not speak to me despite my extending an olive branch after 20 years of disownment. My bio father, just because I do not know him, yet I am a part of him. Doug Sr. My friend, my lover, father of my firstborn. Deceased now, which was the best parenting he ever did (long sad story of drug addiction). My birth mother, who lives 12 hours away, and is the only parent who cared enough to love me despite everything, even when she didn't know me, and who strives to be the best parent she can be and does an awesome job of it. My mom that raised me, despite our rocky relationship. I think it's more missing what could or should have been.

And yet, my life is filled with amazing dad's, too. My husband, who is the kind of stepdad who doesn't want to step on toes (with the older who was nine when we met) but cares so much and just truly wants the boys to be what he sees they can be. He loves them from whatever distance or closeness they require. My ex, who is both an amazing father and an amazing stepfather. He and his wife are my friends. Not many can say that, but it's true. There is a genuine caring without hostility, and we love each others kids unconditionally. My brother in law. A father that brings tears to my eyes. If you knew him when... you would understand why. He navigates the world of little girls growing up with wide eyes, a firm hand, and a gentle shake of his head. I so admire him. And all of these people are my nearest and dearest. I am so blessed.

To all who have fathers and all who don't. Think today of the blessings, and let's minimize the sad as much as we can. We'll take a moment and mourn the losses... absolutely. But from there I plan on celebrating those that are IN my life. I'm too blessed not to.



Magda said...

awe look at you so nice :) I didn't even know it was father's day. That holiday always skips me by :) nice post though. Happy father's day to the daddies

Nadine said...

I got a little tear reading this *sniff*... all I can say is AMEN, BABY.

Steph said...

Couldn't have said it any better myself, and have. *hugs*

sesame said...


Thank the good Lord for Moms who have been Mommies and Daddies.