
If you have issues, or baggage, you may be offended by what you read here. I work through my self loathing of my own fat, and my own fat issues, and I’m told this comes across as loathing all fat people. That is simply not the case.

Here I talk about my issues and my findings, without political correctness. I am not concerned with your issues, or your baggage, or what you may take from this. The title is "My Journey".

This blog is not meant to inspire anyone. I take no responsibility for what you take away from here. You are here as a guest into my inner thoughts.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Yummy Beans!!

I had the BEST dinner!!! 3oz pork loin, 3/4 cup of baked beans, and steamed broccoli. YUM!!

And I'm totally green for the day, too!

Here's my caloric breakdown:

Breakfast: 355
Lunch: 177 (wasn't really hungry)
Snacks: 199
Supper: 457

Total: 1188, which means if I want a snack after dinner, I can have one and STILL be all good!!

Thanks for listening,



Psalmist said...

That does look very yummy.
:o )

Fatinah said...

mmmmm, tasty looking