
If you have issues, or baggage, you may be offended by what you read here. I work through my self loathing of my own fat, and my own fat issues, and I’m told this comes across as loathing all fat people. That is simply not the case.

Here I talk about my issues and my findings, without political correctness. I am not concerned with your issues, or your baggage, or what you may take from this. The title is "My Journey".

This blog is not meant to inspire anyone. I take no responsibility for what you take away from here. You are here as a guest into my inner thoughts.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cheesecake for Breakfast

Yep, you heard me!

I'm telling you, when I food vacation, I food vaCATION!!

I was going to eat good all day, ala the "don't slash all the tires" saying. But then I saw that last slice of Jello No Bake Cheesecake made with splenda and skim milk in the fridge... and I thought "when else am I EVER going to have the opportunity to eat cheesecake for breakfast??" and I grabbed it! WOOT!!! I was like a little kid, so gleefully munching it down, savouring the creamy goodness... LOL.

Then I had a Flax bagel from Silver Hills Bakery. If you have eaten these, you know they are pretty much air. BUT, when you put a thin layer of 95% fat free cream cheese and a bit of sugar free jam... Oh the decadent goodness!!!

I am going to enjoy my food today. And tomorrow I'm back on day 1 of being completely OP. I'm so excited for The Keg tonight! Prime Rib, here I come!!

I'm also stoked because it's a GORGEOUS day and I'm going to hit the track and do some running. I'm so looking forward to getting out there and soaking up my Vitamin D (make sure you read the part where breast cancer rates were 50% lower).

Hope you all have the most amazing Sunday you can have. I know I will be!

Thanks for listening,



Marisa @Loser for Life said...

Cheesecake for breakfast is perfectly acceptable in my book!!!

You sure have earned your food vacation though! You've been on fire!

Thanks for the link about the bagels/breads; now I finally know what squirrelly bread is! LOL! I just thought you were being your crazy self when I would see that you ate that!

Have fun tonight!