
If you have issues, or baggage, you may be offended by what you read here. I work through my self loathing of my own fat, and my own fat issues, and I’m told this comes across as loathing all fat people. That is simply not the case.

Here I talk about my issues and my findings, without political correctness. I am not concerned with your issues, or your baggage, or what you may take from this. The title is "My Journey".

This blog is not meant to inspire anyone. I take no responsibility for what you take away from here. You are here as a guest into my inner thoughts.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Yesterday's eats and stuff...

I went to blog last night, but my stupid IE had a malfunction, froze and lost everything. And by then I was done. With a big ol' "fuckit" I went to bed.

Today I had an epiphany. One does NOT need to take as much cold medication when one is 147 pounds as one did when one was 208 pounds. No. It's bad. It makes your heart race and feel like you are going to have it explode out your chest and go for a zip around the block. Not fun. Note to self. ONE pill. ONE.

I am now coming down off that high and am a little scared to take my meds now.I think I'll wait a couple hours and take another one. It's almost 1 now, and I took the 2 at 8 this morning. Tylenol cold daytime pills. What a trip!

So here are the foods from yesterday... oh but first! I giggled this morning (although now I think about it this was while I was super baked) when I turned around from my desk and say Oscar's little feets sticking out of the blanket, up the back of the couch (I have a sheet on it, no the couch is not that ugly. It's actually a futon. Feets and nose. Too cute! Reminds me of when I was a kid and the phone attached on the downstairs wall had a long cord and I could lay on the floor with my legs up the wall.

So sad that noone under the age of 30 will have a clue what I'm referring to. Phone attached to wall? Cord??

Breakfast is oatmeal. 1/2 a banana, 1/2 tablespoon almonds, teaspoon dark chocolate chipits. Milk and vitamins. Add echinacea. 324 calories.

Lunch was the pita pizza again. I love them, but I'm glad that today is the last one. yesterdays had the two kinds of olives, chopped up brussel sprouts, tofu and cheese for 378 calories.

And then the doorbell rang! Woot! UPS!! PB2 in da HOUSE!!

I forgot to take a pic of my snack. It was a half cup of Ancient Grains cereal with a 1/4 cup of almond breeze for 130 calories. (Sure, the first thing different I've eaten in ages and I forget to take a pic!)

Dinner time and I'm not feelin foody. As I'm chatting with Magda on the phone and rummaging in the cupboards, I come out with Cock Soup. Mag thought I was making it up but it really is! I buy it in the ethnic aisle at Super Store, and it's sooo good. Spicy good.

I originally bought it to make my boys giggle, but it turned out to be a family favourite. Tonight I added in a swack of veggies, like broccoli, edamame, celery, and carrot, to bulk it out with nutrition. I had a sandwich made on the Black Russian Rye bread. It was fat free cream cheese, avocado and sprouts. Delish! 457 calories.

After dinner I ended up making popcorn for another 570 calories, and having a glass of milk mixed with almond breeze, adding another 74 calories. I ended my day at 1943 which is a couple hundred over, but I couldn't really care less. TOM has arrived, too, so I'm not feeling too caring about much, lol.

Thanks for listening,



Lyn said...

omg, lol. I have to find some cock soup.


Sharon said...

Oh wow, super scrumptious eats! I need to try to get my hands on some PB2!

Unknown said...

Mmmmmm! Cock dinner. I'm so juvenile I just about giggled out of my chair. :)

Magda said...

coc cok cock... la la la

. said...

Not only did I grow up with the cords coming out of the walls, but once upon a time my parents had rotary phones in the house too!

Heather said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog a few days back! :)

Becca55 said...

Wow girl taking too much meds, not cool, but an honest mistake since you were used to taking more. Cute picture I love that! ANd btw I am under 30 and I remember the phones on the wall with the very long cords.. my aunt had one for years and I used to lay on the floor with my legs on the wall too. What a trip, that brought back some memories!